Understanding the Mediation Process: A Guide for Clients
Do you have a mediation planned and have any idea what it’s going to look like? Hi, I’m Aaron Grubb, and I’m the Tahlequah attorney at Wirth Law Office. In this video, we’re going to go over the basics of what mediation looks like.
First, depending on the amicability of the parties, the mediator will either have you both in a room or will put you in separate rooms and go between them to negotiate terms. The mediator will check in with both sides to see what kind of terms are negotiable and what are hard stops or hard terms that clients are willing or unwilling to budge on.
The Role of the Mediator and Timeline
The mediator will go back and forth, getting quotes and discussing the reasonableness of each client’s offer. The timeline for mediation can vary widely. For instance, last week, we had a mediation that only took about an hour because we were very strict on the terms of the settlement that we were trying to achieve. Unfortunately, the other side wouldn’t budge, so we couldn’t resolve it that day.
It’s essential to have a clear understanding of where the other party is unwilling to compromise. This knowledge can be very helpful whenever you’re preparing for hearings or trials, as it makes settling at those times much easier when you understand the opposing party’s position.
Costs and Benefits of Mediation
As far as costs are concerned, mediators here in Oklahoma typically charge around $200 to $300 per hour. While this may seem expensive, it’s crucial, especially when you consider the significant attorney’s fees associated with trials and discovery. Mediation can often provide a quick and cost-effective solution in many cases, which is usually preferable to going to trial.
You might be wondering, Why do I need an attorney if I can just hire a mediator? It’s important to have your attorney present at mediation because they help ensure that both you and the mediator remain focused on your goals and deadlines. Your attorney will provide valuable advocacy as a third and beneficial voice in the room.
Contact Me for Your Initial Strategy Session
If you have any questions regarding mediation, my name is Aaron Grubb, and you can find me at theTahlequahattorney.com. I invite you to take advantage of my low-cost initial strategy session. Call me today at (918) 458-2677 to discuss how we can navigate your mediation effectively.