Understanding Protective Orders: Important Boundaries To Know
Is there a protective order in place and now you’re not sure of what the lines are and the prohibitions that you have to follow? Hi, I’m Tahlequah Protective Order Defense Attorney Aaron Grubb at Wirth Law Office. In this video, we’re just going to go over the certain boundaries you have with a protective order.
A protective order is a unique blend of civil and criminal law — it’s a court-issued directive that prohibits two people from contacting or communicating with each other. Most protective orders include similar conditions, with no contact being one of the most common. However, even though this rule is standard, many people misunderstand how it works.
The Risks of Misunderstanding Protective Orders
A major issue we see is when the protected party initiates contact. For example, we had a client with a protective order against them, and the petitioner reached out trying to reconcile. Believing this meant the order no longer applied, our client responded, and they resumed their relationship.
But when things fell apart again a few weeks later, the petitioner filed criminal charges for violating the protective order — leaving our client in a difficult legal situation. This is why it’s crucial to understand the strict boundaries of a protective order. Even if the other party reaches out first, responding could still land you in legal trouble.
Avoid Legal Pitfalls Associated with Protective Orders
Unfortunately, some people use protective orders as a trap. Don’t let yourself get caught in that situation. If you have questions about a protective order or need legal representation, contact us at Wirth Law Office — we’re here to help.
Again, my name is Aaron Grubb and I’m the Tahlequah Family Law Attorney here at Wirth Law Office.
Schedule a Low-Cost Initial Strategy Session Today!
If you are facing challenges with a protective order or need expert advice, consider scheduling a low-cost initial strategy session with us. Call us today at (918) 458-2677 and take the first step toward understanding and navigating your legal situation effectively.