Tahlequah attorney discusses some options you have if you are thinking about filing for a divorce. Some divorces are actually, in fact, a lot are very amicable. The people just realized, “Hey, we’re not good together. Maybe we make better friends than spouses. Or we decided that this is just not our thing, and we tried and it didn’t work out.” And there’s no shame in that. When you have an agreed-on divorce, it actually makes things a lot simpler. Your options, I’m going to go through some of our options we give people when they contact us about a divorce. The first thing we do as a firm is we can just draft the papers for you. We will draft up all the divorce papers, we will sell them to you for $500, is how the retainer fee works.
Family Law
Tahlequah attorney Ryan Cannonie explains a paternity action and some considerations for those thinking of filing one. One thing that comes up quite a lot actually is paternity actions. Now, when I say paternity actions, this is a situation, let’s say you’re a father, you have children, but you weren’t ever put on the birth certificate. You have never had DNA done. You and the children’s mother were never married and just their kids were born and you’ve always kind of been in the picture. You maybe don’t live together, so they visit with you sometimes. They visit with her sometimes, and that’s kind of the situation you’re in. So if you find yourself in a situation like most of the time when people come in, it’s not because things are going well. No one goes to the court system because things are going well. But a lot of times what happens is over the years, there’s disagreements, there’s re-marriages, there’s other situations, maybe possibly moving. And what happens is visitation is stopped. So you are no longer allowed to see your children because their mother just won’t let you around them. Well, when you go to try to get an order from the court to let you see your children, you’re going to run into one big problem. It’s that you’re going to have to prove you’re their father.
If your kids have been placed in a guardianship based on a deprive situation, DHS was involved and the court placed them in a guardianship, you’re going to have things in that guardianship order that you’re going to have to have completed and you’re going to have to have proof of that. If this is just a regular guardianship, a Title 30 guardianship is what we call it, then you’re still going to have to come in and prove that you’re the parent and you have a good home situation, and that there’s a reason for the court to terminate that guardianship. Remember, the court at one point found there was good reason to have a guardianship so you’re going to have come in and prove well, there’s a reason now to get rid of it. And if you don’t have an attorney, and if you don’t have an attorney that knows what they’re doing, this could be very difficult for you, and in some cases you’re probably going to get told no and you’re going to have keep coming back.
What Does Guardianship Mean in Oklahoma? Tahlequah attorney Ryan Cannonie gives you an in-depth overview of guardianships. One of the things that comes up a lot is guardianships. A guardianship, I think I’ve done a video about them as it relates to deprived, deprived guardianships are usually found in title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes. We’re going to be talking about a different form of guardianship right now, specifically a title 30. That just means it’s found in the Statutes under title 30. A title 30 guardianship is what most of your guardianships are going to be filed under. Title 30 includes guardianships for both adults and for children, so it can be filed in either case. There are certain things you have to do to qualify, certain requirements that have to be met depending on if you’re filing for an adult or a child.
Every parent has a legal obligation to support their biological children, marital or non-marital. Learn how Tahlequah, Oklahoma child support is determined and what happens when paternity is contested. As always, a Tahlequah attorney is your best source for case-specific advice. Tahlequah, Oklahoma Child Support Facts Child support is the duty of financial support that […]
As time passes after your divorce, you may come to the realization that your divorce decree is unfair or unreasonable due to changes that have taken place in your life since the decree was ordered. For instance, if your income has significantly decreased, the cost of raising your children has significantly increased, or you were […]
When spouses divorce, a court must determine how their marital property will be divided. This includes their houses, cars, furniture, collectibles, and even their pets. Read further to learn how marital property is divided in a Tahlequah, Oklahoma divorce. Marital Property in Tahlequah, Oklahoma In Oklahoma, only the couple’s marital property will be divided during […]
Couples get married for a variety of reasons: love, money, or convenience. This often takes place during a fancy ceremony where the couple exchanges wedding vows before friends and family. Sometimes, however, a marriage takes place during a simple ceremony before a judge, justice of the peace, or clergyman. But regardless of why and how […]
Whether you are male or female, if you have been married for a significant period of time and are now divorced, you may have to pay alimony to your former spouse. Here is a brief description of how alimony works in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. What is Alimony in Tahlequah, Oklahoma? Alimony, also called “spousal support,” is […]
You can modify a Tahlequah divorce decree if you have proof of a significant change in circumstances that has taken place since your divorce decree was granted and that was not anticipated, and such that it now causes the terms of your divorce decree to be unreasonable. Modifying Property Division After Tahlequah, Oklahoma Divorce Although […]
Among the biggest concerns of divorcing spouses is how the assets that they have shared during their marriage will be divided after they divorce. Who will get the house? The car? The dog? States vary regarding how marital property is divided in a divorce. Here is a brief explanation of how property is divided between […]
If your ex is planning to move to another state with your children, you may be able to stop the move by lodging a formal objection with the family court. Read further to learn about family law in Tahlequah and how it can help you prevent your ex from relocating your children. How to Object to Your […]
Child custody is without a doubt the single most contentious family law issue caused by divorce. There are basically two forms of child custody in Tahlequah, Oklahoma: Physical custody; and Legal custody. Read further to find out the difference between physical and legal custody in Tahlequah. The Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody in Tahlequah […]
Acts of adultery are often hard for couples to get past. Studies have shown that 50% of all married couples struggle with issues of adultery at some point during the marriage, which becomes the basis for divorce in approximately one-third of these cases. Issues with Adultery in a Tahlequah, Oklahoma Divorce Adultery can be simply defined as […]