In Oklahoma, as in the rest of the United States, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders are subject to strict regulations due to the significant responsibilities associated with their role. Serious traffic violations may result in temporary or permanent disqualification from holding a CDL. While the specifics may vary somewhat from state to state, Federal Motor […]
Medicaid planning is a crucial issue that everyone needs to consider. Most people assume that Medicaid is only for those with lower income, but it is the only program that covers nursing care at the end of life. Medicare doesn’t cover nursing care beyond 60 days, leaving you to either pay out of pocket or rely on private insurance, which can be quite expensive. It’s important to plan for Medicaid to ensure that you can receive the care you need. Medicaid will review your financial records for the previous five years when determining if you qualify, so it’s essential to consider Medicaid planning as part of your estate planning.
Learn about the credit hour requirements for Social Security Disability in Oklahoma. Find out how to qualify for SSDI and SSI benefits. Contact us for help.
If you’re preparing for a disability hearing in Oklahoma, it’s important to know what to expect. Unlike courtroom dramas on TV, there won’t be any yelling of objections or challenges to your statements. Only the judge and your attorney will have reviewed your medical evidence, and both parties are there to help you tell your story in a non-adversarial capacity. It’s natural to feel stressed, but remember that the only purpose of the hearing is to give you a chance to share your unique experience and perspective. Your medical history, diagnoses, and treatments may affect you differently than others, and the hearing is your opportunity to express that.
Do you know the differences between SSI and SSDI? They’re often confused for one another, but they’re actually two separate programs. SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is income-based and takes into account any income or resources you have. You must meet medical and income requirements to qualify, and the benefit is limited to around $900. SSDI, or Social Security Disability Income, is based on your earning record and is calculated based on how much you’ve paid into Social Security over the years. It’s the program you file for when you become disabled and can no longer work.
Navigating the disability system can be overwhelming and confusing, which is why it’s essential to have a representative when applying for disability in Oklahoma. Whether it’s an attorney or non-attorney representative, having someone who understands the system and its nuances is crucial for a successful claim. Social Security controls the fees charged to any party applying for disability, and you only pay if you win and have back pay accrued. There’s no upfront cost to you. So, if you’re filing for disability, it’s always a good idea to get representation. Contact us at, and we’ll help you navigate the process.
Understanding the Definition of Disability When it comes to the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability, things can get quite complicated. Essentially, an individual must be unable to work due to a combination of impairments they are suffering from. This means that, without a clear understanding of the evaluation process, it can be difficult to […]
There are three different burdens that people have to face to remove a child from their parent’s home or Indian custodians’ home.
A settlement is a formal agreement that ends an argument or dispute.
You won’t find yourself in court where the judge is going to penalize you for a prescription medication prescribed by a doctor.
Default is the failure to repay a debt, including interest or principal, on a loan or security.
In civil actions, parties use the pre-trial discovery process to gather information in preparation for trial.
In the state of Oklahoma, unless you’re talking to your attorney, everything you say on a jail call is recorded.
There’s a lot of different rules and regulations to how you have to file service on people, set dates, things of that nature.
The important thing to remember is, every custody matter is different, additionally, there’s a certain standard you have to meet in court.
Well, a lot of times, especially if it’s for trial, there’s going to end up being a dismissal of whatever the charges are.
Polygraphs are just another tool law enforcement can use. They can use it to start kind of maybe try to poke holes in your story.
Let’s say you have a 10-year sentence, 10 years, the amount of time you’re on probation. Two years of that is supervised.
Sometimes a parents will run out and get a protective order against the other parent and get the court to put the children on that PO.
If your attorney would have a jurisdictional argument, and that happens, you agree to something as simple as a continuance.
In the state of Oklahoma, if you don’t pay your child support, you have more than just a couple of days in jail to worry about.
Judges are looking for, in cases where there’s an alleged victim, identity, whether or not the victim’s been identified.
According to the Tahlequah Attorney, “Preliminary hearing would be to see if the child could be certified as an adult.”
A preliminary hearing is something you don’t want to go into on your own. You want an attorney there with you.
If you’re looking at guardianships or deprived cases or anything like that, you can file a motion to transfer your case to tribal court.